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Thread Differences
Wed, Jun 21, 2017 11:12 AM
Posted by Sharon
I am very disappointed. The kit I am stitching did not have enough DMC thread to complete my project. I have had to purchase additional thread. One of the colours, 209 is vastly different. The thread I purchased is much thinner and the colour is lighter. What can I do to prevent the difference from being so noticeable? I have heard about the colours not being the same due to the dyeing process but I had no idea it would be this bad.
  • Reply from NANCYE G
    Thursday, June 22, 2017 10:28 AM
    I have a full skein of DMC 209 plus two partials. I'd be glad to send them to you if that would help. I work on the "Play it Forward" plan. I will send you the floss and next time you see a posting that someone is looking for something you happen to have you send it on.

    Happy Stitching

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