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J&P Coats #124
Fri, Jan 15, 2021 3:23 PM
Posted by Jessica
I have old thread from my grandmother and I cannot find the DMC conversion number to the J&P Coats thread I have that says No. 124 on it. Looking at the DMC colors it looks similar to a light dusty rose or light mauve. I’m not sure but would anyone know about that color? Thank you!


  • Reply from Anita
    Friday, January 15, 2021 5:09 PM
    I would suggest you buy a DMC color card with the actual samples to match up this floss. I've heard you can buy this card on DMC's website and may not be available through local retailers.

    Go to top

  • Reply from Cryllia
    Tuesday, May 18, 2021 11:36 AM

    124 translates to DMC 352. There's a conversion chart out there for [Old J&P to New J&P to DMC to Anchor] if you have any others like that :D
    Hope it helps,
    Cryl Go to top