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Frustrated with Pattern
Mon, Feb 10, 2014 2:26 PM
Posted by Barbara Callahan
I am working on an 18count cross stitch. Never again will I purchase one that is 18 count. It is almost impossible to do the stitches, they are so tiny. my stitching looks terrible. I am getting very frustrated with this pattern and ready to throw it out. Any suggestions?
  • Hide Replies
    Reply from Pauline
    Monday, February 10, 2014 6:52 PM
    I do not like working on 18 count but maybe you need a smaller needle? How many threads does the pattern call for? Go to top
    • Reply from Barbara Callahan
      Monday, February 10, 2014 6:58 PM
      It calls for 2 threads for the main pattern Go to top
  • Reply from Judy
    Tuesday, February 11, 2014 1:42 AM
    Barbara, if you're having trouble seeing the smaller count why not get a pair of mag eyes? Or go to the dollar store and buy an inexpensive pair of magnifiers. I need to use my mag-eyes for the smaller counts. Don't let this upset you there are ways around it. There are even magnifiers that will clip onto your hoop, q-snaps or whatever and you look through it. Just my suggestion cross stitching is supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing so take a break from this design, work on something else for a while then come back to it. Enjoy your day and happy stitching...Judy :) Go to top
  • Reply from darla
    Friday, February 14, 2014 2:18 AM
    I have a magnifier that sits on my chest and has a string that goes around my neck. I got it at Michael's. They have them with or without lights on them. I would recommend one with a light. It cuts down on the glare from your room light. BTW-it comes in handy for lots of other things, too! Go to top