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Cloth colors
Mon, Apr 23, 2018 7:36 PM
Posted by Susan
I have a pattern that calls for 14ct blue denim aida cloth which I'm having problems find the right color in pattern
Wondered if I used a Navy color how it would turn out using color for denim cloth
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    Reply from NANCYE
    Tuesday, April 24, 2018 10:27 AM
    The supplies listed are "suggested choices. Some times one designer might call that fabric "blue denim." Another designer might call it "light navy.' There is no law that says you must use the color listed. I always avoid dark colors like navy and navy. I choose my fabric first and then make adjustments to the floss choices. I don't like having my work done the exact same way hundred of other stitchers are doing it. Go to top
    • Reply from Susan
      Tuesday, May 15, 2018 7:28 PM
      Thanks Nancye!
      I've since changed my mind. I fold a color similar to a light color an hated it or may have been the fabric/ Wichelt
      But I'll keep looking
      Thanks for taking the time to answer Go to top