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Appreciate Your Hard Work and the Alien 3719
Thu, May 28, 2020 6:13 AM
Posted by Suzanne Pitt
I would appreciate knowing if anyone has found a Sullivan's floss that can be substituted for DMC 3719. I am trying to replace the unnumbered awful wool floss that came with a cuckoo clock design that I am working on for my best friend, but no luck anywhere.
I am 74 years old. I first learned how to hem, then put on buttons, make seams and finally got to do embroidery by 6 years of age. Counted cross stitch is my favorite. I am beginning Fish City, which I think was sold by Stoney Creek.
For the conversion charts and the hard work that you did putting them together. My family of stitchers has used DMC for many years, but this last price increase left me unable to afford it. I am ruining a long term relationship with DMC, so I used your chart to convert to Sullivan's floss.
Thank you so much. Can you check on that DMC 3719. It is for a senior care facility.