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What is it called?
Thu, Oct 23, 2014 8:58 AM
Posted by NANCYE G
I love doing the patterns where there is only an outline (usually in one or two colors). It is not quite a silhouttee. Kind of reminds me of doing dot-to-dot pictures in a coloring book. What is the proper name of this type of pattern>
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Reply from Judy
Friday, October 24, 2014 12:12 AM
Nancy, are you possibly thinking of blackwork?
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Reply from NANCYE G
Friday, October 24, 2014 8:39 AM
No, it is definitely not blackwork. I re-read my post and guess I gave a horrible description. Then, I realized that the Brushstroke Butterfly on this site is exactly what I want. In fact, I have stitched that as part of a Charity Quilt. I would like to do more in that style. I have looked for other patterns using "brushstroke" as the search word -- also used tribal, modern, silhouete and contemporary. I have found a few patterns but not much.
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Reply from darla
Sunday, October 26, 2014 10:33 PM
Try 'cross stitch stencil patterns'. I found a few just looking through the images. I didn't check actual websites to see if any of them were free. You can have all of the fun doing that! :)
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