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Price of crosstitch
Wed, Jul 20, 2016 8:08 AM
Posted by Rica
Hi Everyone,
Is anyone knows how to put a price for finished product of crosstitch. I made a crosttitch of my friend pictures and he's asking me how much the price but I dont have any idea how much it cost Becoz I spent long time making it. I want to give a price that is reasonable to both side. The size is 12x12inch stitches and 93colours. Only stitch not yet in frame. Thanks
Reply from NANCYE G
Sunday, July 24, 2016 9:25 AM
It is impossible to give your friend a "reasonable" price for stitching that piece. Ten dollars an hour seems like a good price to charge. That would be about what I could earn working at McDonalds, if I was lucky. have made several small (not cross stitch) items for craft sales. After I paid for the supplies I barely broke even. That didn't include my labor. I priced the items at $12.00 each. One woman told me that my prices were too high. Then she had the nerve if I would "give" her my pattern so that she could make her own.! I have plenty of supplies left that I could make more but the market isn't there.
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Reply from Kristin Gleason
Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:51 AM
I agree with the above post. You can basically never price the piece at what they should technically be worth. But many of the pieces have sold have been priced at $0.05-$0.10 per color used, roughly $2-4 for the fabric and then about $3 an hour you spend actually stitching.
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