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How To:
Sat, May 19, 2018 3:53 AM
Posted by Jan DF
Please forgive my ignorance: How do I use this website? I have a single part of 6 or 8 part pattern. I have been looking for ages and finally found all the parts in your pattern directory! Yeah!!! How do I get .pdf's of the parts? They are part of defunct magazines that I have tried to find unsuccessfully. I love the fact that I fell into your website here by accident. I would love some assistance please, if I can, without violating the law.
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Reply from Rick
Saturday, May 19, 2018 4:20 AM
The Patterns Directory is a catalog that tells you the patterns contained in a publication. Your best bet is to search online for a source. To assist in that search, you can start by clicking the "Find on eBay" button below the publication image. I hope this helps.
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Reply from NANCYE
Sunday, May 20, 2018 8:59 AM
Try contacting the designer or the company that published that pattern. They MIGHT be willing to help, especially since you are not requesting a complete new pattern.
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