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New Numbers for J P Coats floss
Thu, Mar 7, 2013 2:22 PM
Posted by luvmysomacube67
I bought some J P Coats floss at WalMart and they have put all new numbers on the skeins. If anyone can help me with the conversion to DMC I would really appreciate it. It was the 100 skein pkg. with 20 variegated, and 80 solid. Thanks
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    Reply from Judy
    Thursday, March 7, 2013 11:35 PM
    Found several sites with conversions just not sure if they are for the new numbers:

    Of course you have the one right here on Cyberstitchers but again not sure if it's the old or new numbers.

    Hope that helps, enjoy your day.

    Happy Stitching,
    Judy Go to top

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      Reply from trish
      Saturday, August 9, 2014 1:24 PM
      yes walmart did that on J&P coats and they do not answer their emails. Can't find conversion either. Go to top
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        Reply from Karen L
        Friday, March 13, 2015 9:44 AM
        I find myself in the same position. I was graciously gifted two bags of these lovely colors at Christmas, and now I cannot match any of these crazy numbers to anything in DMC. I was so excited to have this much floss to use! Other than making a trip to Hobby Lobby, to attempt to match each skein with a DMC color using my eyes alone, I don't have a clue what to do. Very frustrating, as I pride myself on not wasting any floss. I found the old J&P Coats chart to not be very helpful to me, as most of these odd numbers in this bag are not even listed. And the ones I did match up, they were absolutely NOT the same color at all for DMC conversion (like green vs yellow, so not even close!). I guess If I ever go back to doing pillowcases or tea towels that have a stamped design, I'm stuck with unusable floss. Sad. Go to top
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          Reply from Shannon
          Wednesday, May 6, 2015 9:58 PM
          This is an old JP Coats (pre-1995) conversion website
          Hope this helps? Go to top
          • Reply from deb ovall
            Friday, October 30, 2015 2:55 PM
            I am also looking for the old JP Coats numbers. The website above is undergoing renovation and the link does not work. I have googled many other sites and found many other people asking the same question but no answers. Does anyone have any updated info? Thanks! Go to top
          • Reply from Kati
            Monday, February 13, 2017 7:19 PM

            as of February, 2017, this,website is still unavailable Go to top
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      Reply from NANCYE G
      Sunday, August 10, 2014 10:08 AM
      Poor customer serves on J&P. Have to buy all new colors! I have a quart sized baggie full of old J&P J & P and a few misc. odds and ends. Most are in the original skein. Picked up at garage sales and acquaintances. I'm keeping the DMCs. Using them to sew for WOCS (World of Charity Stitching). I am willing to share the misc stuff to anyone in the St Louis area who wants to pick them up. (near Thornhill public library.) Only condition is that you promise not to resell for profit. Go to top
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        Reply from zettler
        Thursday, August 14, 2014 7:43 PM
        Some of the jp numbers are old so you have to look up the new number for the old number. Some of them don't cross ref to any of the other one. Did u buy patterns for Walmart? I found an old pattern and having a are time finding so think I will just go with what I feel like or find a different pattern
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          Reply from NANCYE G
          Friday, August 15, 2014 9:32 AM
          ATTN: ZETTLER -- I have a lot of old J&P floss. If you send me the numbers you need I will be glad share them with you -- if I can help Go to top
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            Reply from Tania
            Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:26 AM
            I also have a baggie of J.&P. Coats thread from Walmart, and cannot find a conversion chart because the numbers are funky. Has anyone found a conversion chart? Otherwise I may just have to toss them or use them to make bracelets or something. Go to top
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              Reply from pam
              Tuesday, September 12, 2017 1:16 PM
     this si the site you need it is awesome found every color I needed to convert my Walmart floss
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              • Reply from Pat
                Monday, April 20, 2020 11:21 AM
                Hi Pam sorry to bother you but I can't find any info regarding J & P Coats floss on this url? Please help I'm in the same boat with purchase from Walmart also!

                Thank you,
                Patricia Buck Go to top

          • Reply from Joy
            Friday, July 12, 2019 12:15 PM
            If you still have the old conversion numbers could you please send it to me? I have a bag of both and trying to do this is almost getting me ready to dump the whole bag of floss. Thank you so much!
            Go to top
  • Reply from LPelle
    Monday, November 17, 2014 3:49 PM
    Hi, I am new to the cross stitching world. It is helping me kick my bad smoking habit. I purchased a ton of J&P Coats from Walmart, but I can't find what the colors are based off the numbers I have. Does anyone have any info to help me? Go to top
  • Reply from SallyC
    Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:15 PM
    Do yourself a favor and go return the JP Coats floss at WalMart. I've never heard of the stuff and when it comes to quality.... well, need I say more? Go find a Michaels or JoAnnes (Michael's is cheaper) and stick with DMC so your colors will stay the same. Buy a box made to save floss and wrap them around the little cards that come with the box and make sure to mark down the number of the thread color. That way if you run out of a color or have extra, you know what color you need or have in your collection.
    I have bought cheaper quality floss at other stores and the colors don't come close to matching DMC colors. Go to top
  • Reply from SallyC
    Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:29 PM
    Click on Stitching Tools on this site. They have your thread brand along with several others so you can match them up. Go to top
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    Reply from Sarah
    Saturday, March 12, 2016 8:34 PM
    The variety pack numbers they used are different than the regular numbers, but I contacted the company and got a conversion chart. It includes the variety pack number, regular J & P Coats number, and it's equivalent to DMC and Anchor. Go to top
    • Reply from Joy B.
      Tuesday, April 12, 2016 2:03 PM
      Thank you Sarah, that really helps! I was about ready to tear my hair out! Some of them are a little off, like 137 and 138 in my pack that are very clearly blue but list on the chart as deep violet and purple. I have floss from all brands, both old and new so I'm not picky but I do like to know what I have and what it corresponds with! Go to top
    • Reply from JB
      Sunday, July 31, 2022 12:18 PM
      Thank you, Sarah!!! I was going a little crazy trying to figure out how to match and/or integrate these into several patterns I want to use. You are awesome!! Go to top